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Bigger Butt, Better Waist

The butt and legs workout will also affect the results of your abs workout. Firstly, many of these exercises also…

Chew Your Food

When you eat, it takes at least 20 minutes for you to feel full. That’s why we should eat more…

Why is Zero-Calorie Cola Useless for Weight Loss?

Don’t believe those so-called low-calorie or zero-calorie beverages. They do have fewer calories, but they still drive gas into your…

Careful with Alcohol

Alcohol drinks contain a lot of calories. But, more importantly, the part of your brain responsible for feeling hungry will…

A Special Tip for Ladies

Once your period starts, your estrogen and progesterone levels drop. Your body can access carbohydrate/glycogen easily, which helps you easily…

No Fast Food

A flattened belly will arrive quickly as soon as you quit fast food. Fast food contains too many calories! It’s…

Why Is Chewing Gum Harmful?

Chewing gum will lead to overproduction of stomach acid, making you feel hungrier. The artificial sweetener in gum also makes…

Remember to Rest

In abs workout, more exercise doesn’t always mean better results. The risk of injury to your lower back can be…

Not Too Much Dairy

Dairy is delicious and full of calcium, but only get yourself 1 serving per day. Too much dairy may lead…

More Resistance, More Effective

Greater resistance leads to greater muscle growth. That’s why you should raise your head or shoulders during exercises. However, sometimes…